Do you feel low on energy and are constantly haunted by a feeling of tiredness? If yes, you may be suffering from fatigue. Fatigue is a very common problem suffered by people of all age groups. This is a state of tiredness with feelings of weariness and low energy and is often aggravated by overwork, medications, physical illness and stress. Apathy and drowsiness are the result of fatigue. If fatigue is not relieved with good nutrition, a low stressful environment and adequate sleep, a doctor should be consulted to find out the reason. Observing the pattern of your fatigue can help find out the fundamental cause for the same.
There is a plethora of psychological and physical causes for fatigue. Some of the most commonly known causes include allergies causing asthma or hay fever, depression, anaemia, sleep disorder, persistent pain, thyroid, and use of drugs and alcohol. Fatigue may also be accompanied by a lot of other problems like anorexia, heart failure, infection, parasites, tuberculosis, malnutrition and AIDS. Many medicines are also responsible for fatigue like medicine for blood pressure, steroids, sleeping pills and diuretics.
A person who suffers from fatigue shows different symptoms including energy deficit, weakness, palpitations, vertigo, breathlessness and dizziness. Different lifestyles, disorders and diseases can also contribute to the feeling of fatigue. Generally, the traditional treatment line on lifestyle and dietary changes can help you fight fatigue. Temporary use of caffeine assists in making a person watchful, enhances coordination, and lessens drowsiness while stimulating the nervous system of the person. However, it should be used very carefully as excessive use can result in insomnia.
Lifestyle changes for treating fatigue include breathing exercises, herbal therapies, color therapy and dietary changes that demand the person to take food that is nutritious enough to improve overall well-being and energy supply. Taking up to 12 glasses of water lends a hand in dealing with fatigue as dehydration can trigger it. A restful and calm sleeping environment can help the person have the needed sleep. For motivating the nervous system and lessening fatigue; hydrotherapists and aromatherapists offer efficient oils that can be massaged and added in water for relaxation of body and mind.
Herbal remedies are also used for alleviating fatigue. Such medications act as circulatory stimulants. You can get in touch with an herbalist that can tell you different combinations of herbs to treat fatigue instantly. Fatigue is not a grave problem but continuous fatigue can lead to many serious illnesses. One should take preventative measures in the beginning to control fatigue without any hassles.