Insomnia is both a disorder and a symptom of other sleep and mind disorders. A person suffering from insomnia is unable to sleep. This disorder is common among millions of people across America itself. Women suffer from this trouble more than men. Some people face difficulty falling asleep while many are unable to sleep if they get up in the middle of the night. Many others though are unable to sleep after the wee hours of the morning.
Insomnia is also seen in patients suffering from anxiety and depression. Insomnia can be transient, acute or chronic. Transient insomnia is experienced only for some days while in acute and chronic insomnia the problem persists continuously. Chronic insomnia is also characterized by mental and physical fatigue and hallucinations.
Insomnia can happen to anyone in any age group. Stress is one of the prime causes. Transient or short-term insomnia can be caused by changes in work timings, jet lag, uncomfortable sleeping conditions, stressful times like exams, etc. Many times insomnia is caused by psychological problems, such as anxiety, stress, depression, schizophrenia, etc.
Some physiological causes of insomnia are chronic fatigue or pain, chest pain, nocturnal asthma, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, trauma or brain tumour. People who travel a lot, work in changing shifts and pregnant women are more prone to insomnia. High blood pressure and certain medications also result in insomnia. Intake of caffeine or nicotine just before sleep, alcohol or a sleeping partner who snores can also disrupt sleep.
Try certain measures to treat insomnia yourself. You must not take caffeine, tobacco or alcohol or cut down on its intake. You must not take heavy meals at night and ensure you have dinner at least two hours before you go to bed. Check your sleep environment and ensure that it is comfortable. You can also take a warm bath before going to bed. You can have milk or herbal tea before sleeping. Read a book or listen to music. Don’t think about negative things while in bed. Be positive and tell yourself that things will be fine soon if they are not.
People with insomnia are unable to concentrate during the day. They have poor memory and are unable to coordinate properly. They become irritated and also suffer from fatigue. If the problem persists for more than a month, then you must consult a doctor. You may be troubled with insomnia due to some other medical disorder as well. So, you must never ignore it and consult the doctor soon.